Grammar can be described as patterns of words and how words are combined to form phrases and clauses when spoken or written. So the question of whether grammar matters is whether it matters that everyone uses the same patterns and rules. Grammar has his two parts or ideologies: prescriptive and descriptive (, 2022). Prescriptivists argue that there should be a set of rules in grammar, whereas descriptiveists argue that there should be variations and adjustments in grammar.
This language has been predominantly spoken for most of history. In the past, various folktales and stories have been passed down orally. However, as the world has become more global and connected, it has become important to pay more attention to grammar and convey information in written form so that things can be understood and communicated more easily. Speaking and writing use grammar differently (, 2022). In other words, writing puts more emphasis on grammar to clarify the meaning of sentences. This is how the actual concept of language was born, and its importance has also increased over time. Language purists have their own rules and standards to follow when using grammar. There is much debate between descriptives and normatives about whether there are specific patterns in grammatical sentences. Today, authors follow grammatical rules for better influence and understanding.
The authors believe that using correct grammar will clarify the meaning of the sentence. Grammar rules are considered by many to be important in business meetings because they help convey and understand information and avoid misunderstandings (RAO). It also helps us understand what people from different cultural backgrounds are saying. Different people have different ideas about grammar. However, it is believed that correct grammar is used for people from different cultural backgrounds. There are people from different parts of the world and from different backgrounds. It is believed that understanding each other is very important and grammar can fill this gap.
Another benefit of grammar is that it also contributes to accuracy of expression. Certain verb forms are often more appropriate than others. Above all, grammar helps people explain to others exactly what they want to say (Minasyan and Midova, 2016). This is another reason why grammar is important. Grammar is the basis of communication. Correct sentence structure is important and this can only be achieved if the grammar is correct. Grammar plays an important role in the formation of sentences. It also helps you understand pronouns, nouns, adverbs, verbs, tenses, and more.
There are many reasons why grammar is important for companies. For example: Many organizations rely on specially crafted guidelines, especially when communicating with her members of the team. Correct grammar helps employees understand instructions correctly and avoids misunderstandings and confusion. This also helps maintain a positive work environment as everyone does things right and the relationship between management and employees is good due to clear communication. Customers and suppliers are also interested in an organization that gets things right, which is only possible through the correct use of grammar.
Proper use of grammar also helps maintain and improve a company’s credibility (Guffey and Loewy, 2015). It also helps maintain reputation and credibility, making dialogue more rewarding. A grammatically incorrect document conveys the wrong information. It misleads people, increases conflict, and causes people to act wrongly. This will lead to legal action being taken against the organization for misleading other people. This is another reason why grammar is important for clear communication. This allows companies to avoid unnecessary legal action.
Various studies have shown that spelling and other grammatical errors discourage many customers from purchasing from the company’s website. Due to the high competition, there are certain things companies use to impress their customers. No company wants to present their products unfavorably in front of their customers. Otherwise, customers may lose interest due to incorrect grammar usage (Guffey and Seefer, 2019). Every business wants to retain and attract more customers. Therefore, using correct grammar in written instructions is important to convey sound behavior. These are some of the reasons companies use correct grammar.
Guffey, M.E. & Loewy, D. (2015). Basics of business communication. Get down to learning.
Guffey, M.E. & Schiefer, C.M. (2019). business English. Get down to learning.
Minacian, ET, Midova, V.O. (2016). Grammar as he one of the important abilities in language acquisition. Russian Bulletin, (3 (7)).
Rao, V.V. English grammar – an effective tool.
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