A historical account of immigration policy and changes in the UK from 1955 to 2018
Learning Outcomes
- The formative assessment is a 3,000-word (+/- 10%, excluding the reference list and used material appendix) focused on a short-term (up to 5 years) historical account of the history of immigration in the United States. It consists of submitting a portfolio. England where a particular policy or period of change occurred. (The period must be approximately between 1955 and 2018).
- The primary sources of information used during the selected period consisted of media coverage and/or political debates accessible through Hansard/online media sources, public, against immigration/ethnic and/or “race” investigations. Politics and media reactions are reflected.
- The introductory section of the portfolio is expected to explore both the broad historical and theoretical background of migration/ethnicity and race in the chosen context.
- Analytical reasoning performed through portfolio submissions is expected to address the following issues:
- A critical examination of at least one key theory to explain migration. •Discussion of how and why immigration/ethnicity/’race’ is seen as a controversial issue.
an explanation of how and why the selected time frame was identified and, if applicable, its relevance to current theoretical, political, or practical debates relating to “race,” ethnicity, and immigration; discussion.
- Evaluate the impact (actual or projected) of political, practical, or media debates that took place during the selected time period.
- Recommendations for policy, practice and/or legal changes that may occur and are relevant to the selected core issue/timeframe.
All materials cited in this assignment (articles/materials and web links) should be properly referenced within the body of the assignment and attached to the submission (materials cited in the review/printouts/screenshots of relevant columns). etc.) are included. Hansard or newspaper articles, etc.). If you are referring to a radio show or documentary, you are expected to provide a brief synopsis of the film or show’s content in a manner similar to that used for online TV and radio shows. For hyperlinks, the relevant clip/film etc. page should be printed or screenshotted with the hyperlink clearly visible.
This task is designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate that you have achieved the following learning outcomes for the module.
- Demonstrate significant knowledge of the causes and patterns of human migration flows relative to the UK, Europe and other regions.
- Critically analyze how immigrant/ethnic communities are or are represented in public (including representation in the media).
- Use theoretical and analytical evidence to address contemporary social issues (e.g., racism, imbalances in the criminal justice system, etc.) related to constructed concepts of “race,” ethnicity, and immigration. deal with. 4. A critical assessment of how policy responses to migration waves have evolved in the UK, Europe and elsewhere.
- All work must be submitted in Arial 12 font with 1.5 line spacing.
- Work submitted for evaluation must be properly referenced in Harvard format.
- You can contact the module supervisor at any time.
Your work should be thoroughly checked for spelling, grammar and word count
Cite the work according to the Harvard style as defined by Cite Them Right Online.
Your work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
The breadth and quality of the evidence and studies collected
- Applying theory to ‘real’ examples
- Knowledge and understanding of key concepts, political and practical debates
- Critical analysis and evaluation quality
- Task structure
・Quality of written expression
- Use of appropriate materials, including theoretical materials, scholarly books, Hansards, media reports, multimedia resources, etc.; • References in text. A reference list and an appendix containing material used to support discussion and examples.
Submission details