Read the book to answer the questions

  1. According to your textbook, what percentage of college students change their majors at least once? How many times does the typical college student change their major? According to your textbook, what are the seven top skills employers look for? Does this class fit one (or more) of the seven?
  2. According to the author of your textbook, when must one cite their information in a presentation? According to your textbook, what information must be in the citation of an academic journal article? A magazine article? A web page? A motion picture? According to your textbook, what is GALILEO?
  3. An Associate’s Degree is typically limited to how many college hours/credits? A Bachelor’s Degree is typically limited to how many college hours/credits? How many hours/credits are required for “core” classes at Dalton State College (where the author of your textbook teaches communication studies)?
  4. According to your textbook, how are college courses more demanding than high school classes? Please identify the four primary differences between college courses and high school classes identified in your textbook?
  5. What is the “10-20-30” rule? What are seven tips your author gives for successful online presentations? According to your textbook, what are some positive aspects of humor in a presentation? What are some negative aspects of humor in a presentation?
  6. What does the author of your textbook mean when she says colleges/universities are “autonomous?” Please be specific. What was the name of the first university? When was it founded? What was the name of the first British university? When was it founded?
  7. According to you textbook, what are four core values of colleges/universities? What are twelve characteristics of most college faculty that it is important for students to know?
  8. According to your textbook, what are seven “Don’ts” to avoid with your college professors? What is the one keyword the author of your textbook feels is necessary for success at the college level? What book did she learn this from?
  9. What are the six theories of learning the author of your textbook identifies? Please identify each one, and then briefly explain each one. What are the three steps the author idientifies to take to control both speech and test anxiety?
  10. According to your textbook, what is the difference between a college and a university? What does the author of your textbook mean when she refers to the term “metacognition?” What does she mean when she refers to the phrase “time on task?” What does SQ3R mean? Please explain.

Extra Credit: According to your textbook, what is the one thing that is the “Kiss of Death” when it comes to online speaking?

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