Functions ProgramYou will be developing a Python program to process a set of integers, using functions, including a main function. The main function will be set up to take care of the following bulleted items inside a loop:
NOTE 1: Determining whether the number is positive or negative will be done within a function; and then a call to that function will be made from within the main function.The following is what you are to do within that function:
NOTE 2: Determining whether the number is divisible by 2 or not will be done within a second function; and then a call to that function will be made from within the main function.The following is what you are to do within that function:
——————————————————————————————————————————————————-NOTE 3:It’s your responsibility to decide how to set up the bold-faced items under NOTE 1 and NOTE 2. That is, you will decide to set them up as function arguments, or as global variables, etc.A sample program run is attached below. It illustrates user’s interactions with the program, as the program is run, data is entered one at a time, until a sentinel value is entered. At that time then, contents of the output variables are displayed: Lab 4 – Sample Program Run.pdf Lab 4 – Sample Program Run.pdf – Alternative Formats =======================================================================You need to set up a Python solution that is complete and workable.
For your solution to be complete, you must
For your solution to be workable,
========================================================================Grading rubric:
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