Acme Industries manufactures microwave ovens with a production workforce of 450 full-time workers. The process includes using pneumatic screwdrivers and drills and manually lifting boxes weighing up to 35 pounds from a height of 24” to a height of 36”. Over the past year, there have been 35 cases of carpal tunnel syndrome and 15 cases of lower back strain reported. There were 850,000 total work hours at the facility for the year.
Calculate the combined incidence rate of MSDs and CTDs for the facility for each 100 full-time workers per year. Compare the rate to the industry rate of 1.5/100 workers/year. Do you believe the incidence rate for Acme Industries is a problem?
Describe how you would conduct a worksite analysis of ergonomic issues related to the MSDs and CTDs present at the facility. Make sure you list the risk factors that you believe are related to the injuries. Include a discussion of how you would determine if physical stress is a risk component in the injuries and illnesses.
Finally, recommend some strategies that you believe could be used to address the MSDs and CTDs at this facility. Which regulation, standard, or guideline would you use to address the issues?
Your case study should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which may be the textbook.
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