In this Assignment, you will prepare an instructional report that explains your recommendation for a network.
To: Technology Advisor
From: Client Relations
Re: Client networking request
Johnnie Leigh just received her degree in management and will soon be managing her parents’ store. She thinks that her parents really need to “move into the 21st Century” by employing technology to help them run their store. Please prepare a report explaining how Johnnie Leigh can network the store. Below are some facts you need to know.
Prepare an instructional report that explains your recommendation for a network.
Please include the following in your report. Make sure you thoroughly explain all recommendations.
When answering these questions, please write 3 to 4 sentences on each topic. Remember to explain why your recommendations are appropriate given the facts. Give examples where appropriate. Use a minimum of 2 sources other than your book. Remember to cite your sources.
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