Almost every part of the world has experienced the impact of a crisis or disaster, whether natural or man-made. Because of the breadth and number of crises/disasters over the past decade, scholarly research has increasingly tried to identify empirically supported interventions and evidence-based practices. Recent crisis research provides more appropriate intervention models than older models such as the Critical Incident Stress Management model (CISM). One model is the Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention, which understands that a crisis can need both a linear progression and also tasks that need to be accomodated.
The Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention provides an uncomplicated approach for listening and acting on clients’ behalf and includes both directive and non-directive interventions. This Hybrid Model has implications for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; it provides for a different type of intervention as opposed to typical counseling or psychotherapy. Maslow’s initial level of hierarchical needs describes physiological needs. These physiological needs are the starting point for counselors’ crisis intervention.
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