Question 1:
What is polling used for? What are the disadvantages of polling? What is a better way to perform the same job?
Question 2:
A 1600-pixel by 900-pixel display is generated on a 14-inch (diagonal) monitor.
a. How many dots per inch are displayed on this monitor?
b. What is the size of an individual pixel? Would a 0.26mm pixel resolution monitor be sufficient for this display?
c. Repeat (a) and (b) for a 1280 × 720 display.
Question 3:
When people describe client–server architecture, they are usually referring to a system in which a large server is serving a client on a PC. With X Window, the reverse is frequently the case. Explain.
Question 4:
What are the advantages of partitioning a disk, rather than using the entire disk as one partition?”
Question 5:
Describe CPU scheduling.
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