Bus 633 discussion questions wk 4

200 words minimum for each question.

Question 1


Technology continues to play a huge role in streamlining operations management. For example, Kodak has a freestanding kiosk where technology and customer labor join to create an output. In this example, you put in your digital camera memory card, choose the finish, quantity, and size of your hard copy pictures, and then print.

Airline check-in kiosks, automatic teller machines, online banking, and firms like eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Zillow, and Zappos are also excellent examples where self-service and technology merge to deliver a product, and they are good use cases for this discussion.

Describe a situation where self-service and technology help create and deliver a customer benefit package to the customer. Provide examples of how such a system can cause a defect, mistake, or service upset. When possible, select a different example than your peers.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly or credible source in addition to the text.

Question 2


Describe a customer experience you have personally encountered where the good, service, or both were unsatisfactory (e.g., defective product, errors, mistakes, poor service, service upsets, etc.). How might the organization have handled it better? Specifically identify how operations management could have helped to relieve or eliminate the problem.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly or credible source in addition to the text.

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