Assignment and discussion | Nursing homework help


Module 1 Discussion Question: Answer the following questions honestly – this is safe space to reflect and learn about topics we cover! Some students like to type their discussion post first in a Word document to check grammar, spelling and word count. Then they copy and paste it into the textbox. If you do this, you will need to use ‘ctrl v’ to paste it.

  • Discuss the current public image of nursing and how events in history have formed that image.

Initial post is due on Thursday, Replies are due on Sunday. To be successful on the board:

  • Meet the word requirement fully for all required posts. The minimum word count for your initial post is 400. Two replies must be 200 minimum for each one. Any initial post less than 400 words and any reply less than 200 will be docked points. Word count does not include the references at the bottom – most students miss points here by counting the references in their word count.
  • All questions posed are answered fully in detail. Spelling and grammar are without errors.
  • Two replies are insightful, educational and relevant to the learning experience.
  • The directions state to use at least one scholarly source other than the textbook (or given materials) and cite in text in APA and reference in APA at the bottom.
  • Correct APA is required in citations and references. All citations must have a reference and all references must be cited in the text.

Module 1 Assignment: Due Monday. This first week’s assignment is an APA paper of 1000 words with a required 3 sources used throughout the paper – cited and referenced correctly in APA. Rubric is for an APA Essay found in the Assignment Upload link in the lower right corner– please review. This week we talk about Building the Profession of Nursing:


  • First, explore the history of nursing and choose two events/topics from history related to nursing (ie education, practices, important people, etc.) and explain each one in detail and why they are important to the nursing profession.
  • Next, research two professional nursing organizations and discuss the following for each organization chosen:
    • The name of the organization and why this organization is important to nursing
    • What resources they provide to members
    • Cost of membership and how many members are part of the organization
    • Current issues the organization is working on
    • Finally, after researching this question answer in detail: Why are Professional Organizations in general important to nursing as a profession?

ANYTIME YOU COMPLETE A PAPER/ESSAY in this course you must follow the APA rules. Use these requirements to attain full credit regardless if they are all listed out in the directions within the course.

  • Set paper with 1-inch margins all around. Spacing ‘before’ and ‘after’ set at 0. Entire document including reference list and running is double spaced, font 12 with all paragraphs indented on the first line by 1/2 inch.
  • One title page with APA page numbers and the title, your name, school, professor’s name and credentials, date.
  • There is NO ABSTRACT in papers for this course. At the top of page 2 you will repeat the title of your assignment (bold and centered) and then write a brief introduction paragraph of the ENTIRE paper (main sections should be mentioned; THIS INCLUDES ANY TOPICS FOR CASE STUDY SECTIONS). 
  • Intro is followed by a Level 1 subheading (bold and centered) for the first half of the assignment. This week it’s Nursing Past Related to Current Profession.  Any question/point you are addressing under this heading should be marked clearly with Level 2 subheading which are bolded and flush left.
  • Immediately after the first section above without any spaces, you will also use another Level 1 subheading (bold and centered) prior to the second half of the assignment which is the case study. This week it’s Professional Nursing Organizations. Again, differentiate which question/point you are answering by using a Level 2 subheading (bold and at the left margin).
  • After both sections are discussed at length – there will be ONE Conclusion – needed for all papers as the last Level 1 subheading bold and centered that summarizes the entire paper/knowledge gained
  • There will be ONE alphabetized reference page for all sources set “hanging” with references in APA format. All citations need a reference!
  • All references listed are cited correctly in APA format in the text! Points are docked for incorrect citations and not meeting the source requirement.
  • Should use 3rd person the majority of the time but it is OK to use 1st person when describing a personal experience related to a specific question. 

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