Week 8 — Provide an example of some form of misrepresentation in media over the years (includes: staging news, re-creations, selective editing and fictional methods). Give some background for context and answer; why, in your opinion is this an example of misrepresentation and why is it egregious? Provide the link to the example.
Additionally for the Week 8 discussion, consider media bias. Both conservative and liberal sides claim that there is media bias (to the other side of their beliefs) yet, it is evident that there is bias on both sides. It is no secret that the traditional views of the following 3 media outlets are as follows: Fox News–Conservative/Right, MSNBC–Liberal/Left, CNN–Moderate. A) Track a relatively current news story and report to the class the way the 3 media outlets presented the story. Were there surprises to you in your findings? B) Also pick one additional media outlet of your choice (perhaps NPR, AL JAZEERA , or BBC) and look at their perspective of the same story. Please comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ postings with questions or thoughtful, respectful, thorough responses.
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