Hey guys i just have a essay thats roughly 3-4 pages on the film “meet the patels” you dont really need to watch it to write the essay just find some key points to go with the question below and adding your own thoughts
Question : Ravi said “it’s [seeking a spouse] easier for women; they don’t have to do anything”. Explore what you believe the experience of seeking a spouse would be for Ravi’s sister or other women within that culture?
Essay requirements
Write out the question
Revise work carefully: grammar—run-ons, fragments, tense and person consistency, sentence structure, etc
Use MLA within and at the end of your paper, as you are writing for the Humanities (review MLA documentation)
Aim for roughly 3-4 pages
Double space (single will be returned); do not triple to create extra pages
Proper academic heading—name, date, course, my name (upper left hand corner)
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