Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Facione & Gittens (2016) state, “Strong critical thinking about complex and difficult social policies demands that we respect those with whom we disagree” (p. 344). The authors of your text ask us to take seriously the points of view of those with whom we disagree.
For the initial post, pick one point of view from the five questions above that you find particularly repugnant – one that you think is completely unjustifiable. If you were in conversation with such a person, how could you ethically respond to the statement of such a point of view? Keep in mind that you are expressing a value opinion, which requires ideological reasoning, so you may want to review Chapter 13.
As you form your response, keep in mind the following; these are things you need to think about but not necessarily to write about in your initial post:
Writing Requirements
· Length: 1 Full Page
· Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
· APA format for in-text citations and list of references
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