The Team Presentation
Each Team is required to deliver an oral presentation in support of your project. The presentation should be delivered in the form of an ‘Executive Summary’ and each team member must participate.
It should be in a PowerPoint (or equivalent option) format and include not more than fifteen (15) PowerPoint slides. Each slide should be titled and contain between three to five (3-5) bullet points, with or without graphics (as you choose.) The bullets should reflect the talking points around which you will deliver your presentation.
The following slides titles are required all others are of your choosing:
Each member of each team must deliver a five (5) minute presentation in support of your ‘Team’ business case. This will require that you rehearse in advance to ensure that you are able to fit it into the allotted time frame. Each of your bullet points should be supported with several key sentences. The listeners should understand ‘what’ you plan to do and ‘why.’
As a team, combine each of the individual slide decks into a single team PowerPoint slide deck. Be sure to arrange the slides in the order that the presentation should be delivered.
One member of the team must upload the competed team presentation to the ‘The Team Project Presentation (TEAM PROJECT)’ assignment drop box.
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