In this case, Paula Bryant-Ellis is tasked with transforming the CRA Department of the BOK Financial
Corporation. In order to perform more proficiently in terms of promoting development in low-to-moderate income (LMI) communities, a goal of the federal regulation entitled the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the department that was merely complying with the federal regulations needed to change. Analyze and discuss what Steve Bradshaw, Senior EVP of BOK Financial Corporation, and Paula Bryant-Ellis did to transform the department and improve its lackluster performance.
1: Assess their leadership, the decisions each leader made, and how they went about implementing their decisions and the strategic objectives of the organization. In a separate section entitled “Recommendations”, also discuss some other things that these two leaders could have done to successfully transform the CRA Department.
2: Looking ahead, what other decisions need to be made, what other problems do you anticipate they may face, and how should they deal with these problems? Be thorough in your discussion and provide reference support for both your analysis of the issues and your recommendations. Include the full citations for your references on your Reference page at the end of your analysis, following the APA Guidelines
**Write 7 Pages and reference page with nothing less than 10 references-
**Analyze the attached journal case
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