This assignment should be 15-20 pages excluding the title and reference pages. The paper should contain at least one graph, figure, chart, or table.
Questions to consider:
1. Analyze the case and determine the factors that have made KFC a successful global business.
2. Why are cultural factors so important to KFC’s sales success in India and China?
3. Spot the cultural factors in India that go against KFC’s original recipe.
4. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change its name to KFC?
5. What PESTEL factors contributed to KFC’s positioning?
6. How does the SWOT analysis of KFC affect the future of KFC?
Abstract (75-100 words): on separate page
Overview of the organization
Identify the type of business organization and strategies
Key players (people in power)
Body–Label headings according to subject/content:
Discuss Porter’s 5 Forces:
Market Entry
Substitutable Products/Services
Supply Chain
Organizational Structure (centralized; decentralized; matrix)
Organizational Strategy (low cost; differentiation; etc.)
Identify problems, issues, variables, and relationships related to the case
Discuss problems and List symptoms
Isolate critical issues
Conduct PESTEL analysis
Political factors
Economic factors
Sociocultural factors
Technological factors
Legal/Regulatory factors
Environmental factors
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