Evaluate response | Nursing homework help


Review the attached. 

In this activity, we are going to review the assignment and response provided below and then analyze whether the Socratic Approach was applied adequately in the sample response provided below. Please provide separate numbered answers to the below questions in regards to assignment. 


In considering how personality develops, the impact of the child’s environment, as well as the child’s innate characteristics, must be taken into consideration. Assess the nature versus nurture controversy. Assess your views on how each affects a child’s personality and moral development. Provide supporting evidence or reasoning. Which theoretical perspective on personality and moral development most closely represents your view?

Sample Response:

In the context of the nature versus nurture controversy, nature means one’s genetic inheritance of traits such as intelligence, physical characteristics, and personality tendencies (Vander Zanden, Crandell, & Crandell, 2009). Nurture means the influence of environment, including parenting, schooling, physical environment, culture, and other factors (Vander Zanden et al., 2009). In the past, social scientists and others argued which factor—nature or nurture —was responsible in a given situation, but it is more common today to ask either how much is due to nature versus nurture, or how they interact (Vander Zanden et al., 2009). Vander Zanden et al. (2009) therefore characterize the current nature versus nurture controversy as asking either how or how much, rather than which.

While there are many theories that address the nature-nurture controversy, behaviorism most closely represents my view. Most of the behaviors needed to succeed in life are within the capabilities of most people, but some people’s environments make success unlikely for them. If a person is raised in an environment that does not support educational activities, that person is unlikely to become a physicist, even if he or she was born with the intelligence traits of an Einstein. Similarly, those raised in a violent environment are more likely to be violent, such as those who were abused as children may subsequently abuse their own children.

Reference: Vander Zanden, J. W., Crandell, T. L., & Crandell, C. H. (2009). Human development (9th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Step 1: Identify the elements of the problem, issue, or question. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

Step 2: Analyze/ define/ frame the problem, issue, or question. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

Step 3: Consider solutions, responses, or answers. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

Step 4: Choose a solution, response, or answer. Did the response adequately include this step? Yes or No? If no, what was missing?

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