Write up a proposal for a CRM adoption and implementation for an enterprise. The write up should be a case study that illustrates the material you learned in a Customer Relationship Management class and how you would apply it in an example situation of your choosing. Assume that you will be delivering the proposal to top IT management. Further assume that if your proposal is selected that it will be used as the basis of the company wide CRM implementation.
You should choose an existing enterprise, ( any business, non-profit enterprise, or even a University ); then you will select one as the basis of your proposal. Use that enterprise and find the necessary financial, customer, and marketing information to form the basis of your arguments in a thorough write up. Some of this information may be difficult to obtain or proprietary so it will be permissible to make up or infer some of the information as long as you show your logic for reasonable assumptions. This must be written in your own words. If you use material from a site, cite the work. Plagiarism will not be accepted.
The minimum length for this proposal is 8 pages ( double spaced, Times Roman 12pt ). Include an executive summary, the discussion of your research ( include citations ), and your persuasive argument as to why your solution is appropriate.
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