How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom? Explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and wisdom. Then provide examples from your clinical practice (or past work experiences) according to the following:
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Let’s begin a discussion on converting data to knowledge and wisdom.
Think of a clinical or personal experience that was new for you. Using the questions in the above instructions, how did you go about completing each and give an example. Moving along with this experience, think of the data you needed for it, how you moved it into knowledge and eventually wisdom? Was there any form of informatics that assisted you? If so, what was it? If no, what informatics tool could have assisted?
use 1 scholarly reference within 5 years.
use 1 reference from the book : McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
also respond to the post below of my classmate and make sure you use a scholarly article within 5years.
Hello Professor & Class
Data is known as the disorganization of facts. Once the facts are more structured, errors are corrected, and analysis is ready it’s called information. Combing the pieces together and creating data/information then is knowledge. Once we gain a sufficient understanding of knowledge and through many experiences of putting knowledge into action, then we will obtain wisdom. This is called the DIKW pyramid that describes how we achieve higher levels of education enrichment (“what is the data..”,2020).
A: knowledge acquisition. The definition is the act or acquiring knowledge (McGonigle &Mastrian,2018).
An example could be the education like nursing school or continuing education for nurses. As we acquire knowledge through textbooks and lectures.
B: Knowledge generation. The definition is creating a new knowledge based on input of experience (McGonigle &Mastrian,2018). A good example would be that as nursing student we practice our skills prior real-life SIM were we apply them to a scenario and received feedback from our instructor.
C: Knowledge processing. The definition gathering a set of data and applying to a task (McGonigle &Mastrian,2018). In our life clinical we can perform some skills on the patient, we collect lab works, covid swabs, urinalysis, in hopes to determine what is going on with the patient.
D: Knowledge dissemination. The definition is sharing knowledge among other people (McGonigle &Mastrian,2018). A great example could be medication teaching from a nurse to a patient.
E: The use of feedback. Definition is getting new/helpful whether is (positive/negative) information that can be used to make improvement or progress in an area (McGonigle &Mastrian,2018). An example would be a patient survey after they have visited a medical organization.
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
What is the data, information, knowledge, wisdom (DIKW) Pyramid? Ontotext. (2020, October 22).
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