Before participating in this discussion board, please make sure you’ve re-watched the first third of Lady Bird while taking detailed notes. In addition, you will want to remind yourself of our discussion board standards by reviewing the discussion board rubric download. And, finally, it should go without saying that we are required to be respectful and courteous at all times.
Here’s what I want you to do in your initial post: In at least a full paragraph (minimum five sentences), explain briefly what you think is interesting, important, and meaningful. You don’t have to have all of the answers. Again: consult your notes. We do NOT want a review (an evaluation of whether or not you like the movie) or summary: we want you to contribute specific observations that we can use to begin to understand how this movie works to construct meaning. Do NOT discuss all of the assigned section of the film: Choose specific scenes sequences and shots. Provide details.
Make sure your post is up by the posted due date for the assignment.
Then, after you’ve posted, you’ll be able to see your classmates’ posts. Respond to two of them–talk about, in at least a few sentences, whether you see what they see in the film. Where are your interpretations similar? Different? Again: be specific and detailed.
Responses need to be submitted by the following due date (6/15).
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