Part A: State-of-the-Art-Review (1500 words)
In Part A, provide a state-of-the-art review on “Use of new Technologies in Logistics and Supply Chain and their implications for Sustainability” specifically discussing the trends, opportunities and challenges in this field using up-to-date academic journal articles and other articles.
A state-of-the-art review should consider mainly the most current research in the given area or concerning the given topic. It often summarizes current and emerging educational trends, research priorities and standardizations in a particular field of interest. The review must aim to provide a critical survey of the extensive literature produced in the past decade, a synthesis of current thinking in the field. It may offer new perspectives on an issue or point out an area in need of further research.
Part B: Company Analysis (1500 words)
In Part B, you are expected to critically analyse the supply chain processes of any one of Fortune 500 companies. Once you have selected the company you would like to examine, prepare a report of 1500 words making sure you include the following in your analysis:
Part A and B Overall Requirements:
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