Read the below discussion posts and answer each post with your opinion
here was the original question- Forecast the future direction of Strategic Communication based on current research and trends. What specific research and trends make you think Strategic Communication will be changed in the ways you believe it will in the future?
Discussion Student posts-
Joe C
2 posts
Re: Topic 2 DQ 1
Strategic communications trends have changed dramatically in the last generation. Corporations went from print to radio to television, and now Web 2.0. The ability to reach millions of people on a single post on facebook or any other social media site has changed the communication landscape forever. Based on current trends of communications, it has be easier to establish a focus groups based on specific data collecting algorithms. The textbook states “Traditional broadcasting media were quite ‘poor’ in this respect, allowing for little interaction or feedback and offering, in most instances, a simple encoded message” (cornelissen, 2017). With personal information from millions of users strategic communications can be more direct, cheaper, and create a dialog with customers and other stakeholders.
In Germany, April and May of 2012, Delphi brought together 860 communications employees, students, consultants, and other participants to participate in a survey would ask the question on how social media will change the way we communicate to stakeholders (linke, zerfass, 2012). The findings state that social media communications needs to be centralized and follow established guidelines. Social media communications can only expand with new technologies and a communicators need to grow with the times and not be held back by their own lack of experience in new modes of communications.
2 posts
Re: Topic 2 DQ 1
Trying to predict the future is always a risky thing to do. Many of us are terrible at it. However, utilizing basic research strategies can help determine what the future may hold for communication in most corporations. Based on certain trends, I’d wager that Strategic Communication will most definitely change by becoming more innovative and consumer tailored even more than it already has. Some trends are listed below that support this theory.
One trend I believe will influence Strategic Communication incorporates the trend of complexity in consumer purchasing decisions. Consumers use all kinds of media to make shopping decisions – from YouTube to Facebook – and it’s becoming increasingly harder to put the people that buy certain products into a box than it used to be. Another trend is as follows. Personalization in product design and communications will be more prevalent
Thanks to big data, social media and flexible manufacturing, more companies are learning to offer customized products and designs. This trend is reaching a growing number of industries including the health sector. Naturally, because of these trends, corporate communication will have to adjust its strategic communication strategies in order to maintain demand. Cornelissen 2017 supports this with the statement that “corporate communication is a management function that offers a framework for the effective coordination of all internal and external communication (Cornelissen, 2017; p. 5).”
2 posts
Re: Topic 2 DQ 1
Predicting the future regarding strategic communication requires paying attention to current trends that could impact corporate decision making. Deciding how to communicate with stakeholders requires attention to details and deciphering the impact that consumers have on the market. Market trends can affect the manner in which corporations communicate effectively. However, all predictions do not come true. This is because one must not merely make guesses but informed decisions.
Trends that could impact such decisions are as follows. For instance, social media is an ever growing aspect that affects strategic communication. Businesses are realizing that they cannot escape the transparency offered by social media. More companies are learning the lesson that if they aren’t truthful, they will pay the price, not only hefty fines from the authorities, but also in lost loyalty and business from their customers. Therefore, strategic communication will likely become more transparent. This will also require corporations maintaining their corporate identity even amidst such changes in their strategic communication. According to Cornelissen (2017), the key to effectively “having a corporate communication strategy is the notion of a corporate identity (Cornelissen, 2017; p. 8),” which involves the basic image that a corporation wants to portray to its stakeholders.
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