Instructions: Using the periodic table, answer the following questions about elements.
- What is the atomic number for Carbon?
- What is the chemical symbol for Tungsten?
- What is the atomic number for Zirconium?
- What is the atomic number for mercury?
- What element has the symbol Ag?
- What element has the symbol Hf?
- What is the atomic number for Gallium?
Atoms and Ions
Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding ions losing and gaining electrons.
- How many electrons does chlorine need to gain to become an ion? Will it become a positively charged cation or a negatively charged anion?
- How many electrons must nitrogen gain to become like its closest noble gas, Neon?
- What are valence electrons?
Instructions: Answer the following questions about isotopes.
- Given that the mass number for carbon is 13, how many protons and how many neutrons does the isotope contain?
- Hydrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes: hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2. What is the symbol for each of these hydrogen isotopes?
- How many neutrons are contained in nitrogen-15?
- How many protons does Cobalt-57 contain?
Atomic Mass
- Find the atomic mass unit of Sulfur-32 with a mass of 31.972 and percent abundance 94.99%, Sulfur-33 with a mass of 32.971 and percent abundance 0.75%, Sulfur-34 with a mass of 33.968 and percent abundance 4.25%, and Sulfur-36 with a mass of 35.967 and percent abundance 0.01%.
- Find the atomic mass unit of Silicon-28, Silicon-29, Silicon-30 with masses of 27.977, 28.976, 29.974, respectively. The percent abundance of the silicon isotopes is 92.2%, 4.7% and 3.1%, respectively.
Periodic Table and Its Trends
Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding the periodic table, the Bohr Model, and electron configuration.
- Explain periodic table.
- What is the Bohr Model? Provide a summary in your own words.
- What is the electron configuration of Potassium?
- What is the electron configuration of oxygen?
- How many valence electrons does Sulfur(S) have?
Molecules and Compounds
Instructions: Find the mass ratios and atomic ratios of the following compounds.
- CI2O7
- SbF5
- NH3
- BaI2
- S2Cl2
- OsO4
Instructions: Write the formula for each of the following ionic compounds.
- Sodium chloride
- Zinc chloride
- Ammonium chloride
- Potassium hydroxide
- Calcium Nitrate
Instructions: Name the following ionic compounds.
- MgCl2
- CaCl2
- CuSO4
- Al2O3
Instructions: Name the following molecular compounds.
- Cl2O7
- PCI5
- SiI4
- NI3
Instructions: Write the formulas for the following molecular compounds.
- Sulfur hexafluoride
- Sulfur dioxide
- Dinitrogen trioxide
- Carbon tetrachloride