Successful entrepreneurs understand all aspects of business, especially costs and costing systems. In the course project, you will assume the role of the owner of a small business and apply managerial accounting principles to evaluate and manage costs related to your services within a costing system. In the first milestone of the project, you will determine and classify the costs necessary for opening your business.
You plan to open a business manufacturing collars, leashes, and harnesses for pets. To begin, you will manufacture these in a standard style and size with plans to expand your range over the year. In a few weeks, you will present your company’s financial strategy to some key investors. To begin creating your strategy, you need to consider and record all the costs associated with operating your business. You have decided to use the job order costing system.
Use the given operational costs in the Milestone One Operational Costs Data Appendix Word Document to complete the first two tabs, “Cost Classification” and “Variable and Fixed Costs,” in the Project Workbook Spreadsheet.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Submit the Project Workbook with the “Cost Classification” and “Fixed and Variable Costs” tabs completed. This file should be completed and submitted using Microsoft Excel.
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