Provide discussion post responds to the colleagues by explaining whether you agree or disagree that the techniques identified by your colleague will result in successful termination. Identify potential consequences of early termination for families and groups.
Colleague #1 (KC SOB Jones)
Comparison of the termination process between treatment groups and family sessions:
When a worker chooses to engage in the termination process, it is because the group has successfully completed the goals that they established during the beginning stages. Determining termination is also dependent on the emotions, satisfaction, and comfort displayed by the members and the worker combined. According to Toseland & Rivas (2017), it is important that group’s do not spend too much time in treatment, as excess time can reduce empowerment strategies and can cause members to dwell on the negatives. This theory can be applied to both treatment groups and family sessions, as being in treatment for a long period of time can bring up information that is not relevant, therefore causing more turmoil. When a worker chooses to end the group, regardless of whether it is a treatment group or family session, the worker assures that the members are stable and set up with resources to aid them beyond the group and into everyday life.
Explain how you would evaluate readiness to terminate group and family treatment, identifying similarities and differences between the evaluations of the two types of treatment.
When applied to treatment groups, effective termination would solely rely on completion of treatment plan goals. According to Toseland & Rivas (2017), after a treatment plan is implemented, a worker should assure that the plan has proven to be “maintained and generalized to other important aspects of members lives” (p. 402). Similarly, termination of family groups should assure that there is a balance among the family system, regardless of the environment. Additionally, when evaluating whether to terminate, for each group I would have the members reflect on their time in the group and the progress they have made from the beginning. By engaging in reflection the members can note their accomplishments and strengthen their self-determination (Toseland & Rivas, 2017). For families however, I would have the family reflect as a whole on how their communication has improved since the beginning of the group while also having them note significant positive changes.
Describe the techniques you would use to terminate a treatment group and how these may be the same or different than the techniques you would use to terminate a family intervention:
To terminate a treatment group, I assure that resources were set up for each member so that they could successfully maintain treatment outside of the group setting. I would remind the group of their success thus far and the skills to utilize if they have feelings of relapse outside of the group. Additionally, I would highly emphasize to client’s the importance of using their community resources and support system’s to resolve any situations in the future (Toseland & Rivas, 2017). The termination with a family group would be similar to a treatment group, however I would briefly go over all the communication techniques discussed throughout each session. Additionally, I would encourage members of each group to seek individual therapy in the future if they felt there were problems to still be addressed or that they needed a more individualized approach to addressing emotions and behaviors.
Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Colleague#2 (Townie)
Post a comparison of the termination process between treatment groups and family sessions.
Explain how you would evaluate readiness to terminate group and family treatment, identifying similarities and differences between the evaluation of the two types of treatment.
Describe the techniques you would use to terminate a treatment group and how these may be the same or different than the techniques you would use to terminate a family intervention.
Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
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