Respond 250 to 400 words with 2 reference 601


Q1) Find an example of a small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote their products or services.

The company I have chosen is The Honolulu Star Advertiser. The company has presence in all of the Social Media Markets and does well with using the space to provide OnDemand news and services.

Advantages of using social media is being able to reach an enormous number of customers and get quick feedback. Social media is also a great way to reach international markets and the cost is very low.

Disadvantages of using of social media can also be considers a good thing but good news travels fast but bad news travels faster. Social medial can be a very large machine that reaches everywhere super-fast and without any way to slow the spread. In addition to word traveling fast – it can be slowed if doesn’t properly invest in the site itself since social networks are not completely free, or at least some of the services they offer.

I feel the Star Advertiser does really well with utilizing this platform and has an enormous followership but I would recommend the company pays more attention to where their content is landing and if they are having their content restricted. If they do not keep track of their visibility, they might only reach a small part of the followers. I am sure they have an entire marketing section but if they are not on top of postings and tracking readership, they can hurt any progress they might have made. The bottom line is If you want to reach more people, you will have to invest by paying for advertising.

Pardo, D. (2018, September 4). Social Media for Business: Discover 10 disadvantages. Integria IMS. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from

Peter Boylan [email protected] Today. (2019, September 23). Local News Headlines Hawaii: Honolulu Star. Advertiser. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from 

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