In this class, you have been exposed to a myriad of criminal justice-related issues. This research
paper assignment offers you the opportunity to propose practical solutions to recent and relevant
policy issues in the area of either police, courts, or corrections. You will analyze and synthesize
how these solutions fit into the worldview of Liberty University, which seeks to train criminal
justice leaders to influence criminal justice policy within a Christian worldview.
8 pages (double spaced) excluding the title page, abstract, and reference pages.
Current APA format.
8 peer-reviewed sources.
Acceptable sources (course textbooks, academic books, peer-reviewed journal articles
published within the last 5-10 years only).
This Synthesis Paper Assignment requires that you follow a template. Review and follow the
template carefully. Include a running header, title page, abstract (between 120-250 words),
proper APA headings/subheadings and a reference page. Please note that you are asked not to
omit any of the bold headings that are already clearly named in the template. You are only asked
to add/rename the APA headings/subheadings to keep the paper organized, and to insert your
written content into the appropriate sections of the template.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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