Conduct graduate-level, academic research on the following topics and draft a five- to 10-page, APA paper summarizing your research results. The paper counts for 300 points of the 1,000 total course points.
What is the state of cybersecurity viz. digital forensics as its function to mitigate risk and solve incidents?
What are some of the prominent, open-course digital forensics tools that the field deploys to help conduct forensics investigations? What are some missed opportunities that the industry reflects?
What are some recent (within last five years) DF successes? Describe two to five incidents that were solved, or partially solved, by digital forensics practitioners. These could be criminal cases or civil cases, such as contract disputes, intellectual property theft, divorces, even. You should be thinking about this part of the research as demonstrating case studies that highlight the importance of forensics to cybersecurity.
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