1. An automobile company decides to do its bit for the environment by introducing new models of electric cars. The company’s long-term goal is to eventually stop manufacturing gasoline cars and focus on manufacturing electric cars. The managers of the company reached this decision after critically evaluating the effects of car fluids and car emissions on the environment. They promise to do everything within their power to reduce the company’s carbon footprint. Which of the following approaches does this scenario illustrate?
The defensive approach
The obstructionist approach
The egoistic approach
The accommodative approach
2. Which of the following takes place in the final stage of the decision-making process?
Ranking the various alternatives in order of practicality
Examining why any expectations for a decision were not met
Giving middle managers sufficient resources to achieve a goal
Making minor decisions related to the chosen alternative
3. Which of the following is the first step in the decision-making process?
Generating alternatives for a decision
Realizing the need for a decision
Assessing alternatives
Seeking feedback
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