Week 7 Class Discussion topic comes from —
Chapter Eight “Marketing Strategies for New Market Entries”
Chapter Nine “Strategies for Growth Markets”
Chapter Ten “Strategies for Mature and Declining Markets”
This class expects you to contribute three times:
A product moves through a life cycle from introduction to rapid growth, maturity, and ulti-mately, decline (see attachment below). Consequently, firms and marketers not only have to understand the concept of product life cycle, but also the market and competitive changes that typically occur at each of its stages, and their implications for marketing strategy.
So is this class.
We will undertake a similar process through your contribution one — answer one question only out of six questions below —
Question #1 Concept of product life cycle believes that any products go through a series of distinct stages, and in each stage a product’s sales change over time in a predictable way. What are product life cycle stages? Explain key characteristics in each product life cycle stage.
Question #2 The various stages of the product life cycle present different opportunities and threats to firms. Firms can do a better job of setting forth its objectives, formulating its strategies, as well as developing its action plans. List likely responses from companies in dealing with (Introductory Stage).
Question #3 The various stages of the product life cycle present different opportunities and threats to firms. Firms can do a better job of setting forth its objectives, formulating its strategies, as well as developing its action plans. List likely responses from companies in dealing with (Growth Stage).
Question #4 The various stages of the product life cycle present different opportunities and threats to firms. Firms can do a better job of setting forth its objectives, formulating its strategies, as well as developing its action plans. List likely responses from companies in dealing with (Shakeout Stage).
Question #5 The various stages of the product life cycle present different opportunities and threats to firms. Firms can do a better job of setting forth its objectives, formulating its strategies, as well as developing its action plans. List likely responses from companies in dealing with (Mature Stage).
Question #6 The various stages of the product life cycle present different opportunities and threats to firms. Firms can do a better job of setting forth its objectives, formulating its strategies, as well as developing its action plans. List likely responses from companies in dealing with (Decline Stage).
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