Key Concept Paper Assignment Instructions
Write a 900 – 1000 word paper on the topic. The paper will have 5 scholarly articles, which have been published within the previous 4 years; you may use articles used in the original DB, however, each of the articles must be a narrative on the results of a study/research. The paper is not a restatement of the original DB post, but is a review of all 5 of the scholarly articles. Some of the questions that must be addressed in the paper are:
What are the common themes among the findings all 5 of the research articles?
What are the differences among the findings of all 5 of the research articles?
What is unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?
According to the authors of the articles, why is the concept important to an organization’s leadership?
Paper Requirements:
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.
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