How to create a Java program in eclipse that should have main menu displayed to the user when the program starts run. The main menu should have options for the user to “(1) Sign-Up (2) Log-In (3) Exit.
(1) Sign-Up option – at the sign-up menua) User should have to input firstName, lastName, currentUserBalance, address, password and email. There should be generate random userID # provided assigned to user. userID must be a string – all user data are strings.Note: userID would need TWO parts: (1) a char ‘S’ for index 0 of userID, and (2) rest is a long datatype generate from a long type method called getRandomPart for creating a 8 digit number between 64_000_000 & 66_000_000. So the parse would be “S65458256” for example. All user data should be collected in an array. b) The array of user data should be sent to a method for verification of user data in the array. This technique would allow data to be “Sent-for Storing-Now and Checked-Later”. Note: You must validate all user inputs
Make sure to handle Exceptions for input to file and output to file. So that log-in data can be retrievable. You should be able to append file if it exist already, and create if not.
Note: Program should always have the option for the user to return to main menu. If the user enters correct email and password, alert user the good news or bad news either way.
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