Please use hospitals in the New York City, Ny area
All hospitals serve patients, employ physicians and nurses, and adhere to the rules and regulations defined by the legal framework for clinical services. Although nonprofit and for-profit hospitals are fundamentally similar, there are significant cultural and operational differences, such as the purpose or mission for running the hospital, strategic approaches to scale, financial strategies, and operational discipline. The culture at for-profit hospitals is business driven, and at nonprofit hospitals, it is service driven. For balanced healthcare services, both are important.
This will help you explore for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, including their purpose, strategy, and services. You will identify one for-profit hospital and one nonprofit hospital in the United States. You will conduct research and compare these identified for-profit and nonprofit hospitals to analyze the strategic similarities and differences between these two categories of hospitals. This assignment will prepare you for Project Two by helping you develop skills to analyze hospitals’ financial needs and their impact on health policies and laws.
To complete this assignment, you will create an analysis report that includes a comparison table for for-profit and nonprofit hospitals. You will research for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, collect information about their financial strategies and malpractice guidelines, and then compare these two categories and analyze their similarities and differences. Then you will summarize your analysis findings. Last, you will recommend an appropriate justification for the need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. healthcare system.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources overall to support your claims.
Use this hospital comparison table template to help you complete this assignment: Module Six Activity For-Profit and Nonprofit Hospital Comparison Table Template
Specifically, you must address the following:
Your submission should be a 3- to 5-page Word document, including your completed comparison table from the provided template. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
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