Cjus 820- discussion 8-reply 2 | CJUS 820 – Advanced Topics in Terrorism and Intelligence | Liberty University

The response must be 250 words and use at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include texts, articles, presentations, the Bible, blogs, videos, etc.

Textbook: Taylor, R. W., & Swanson, C. R. (2019). Terrorism, intelligence, and homeland security (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134818146.


Preventing Terrorism Against the United States of America 

            Protecting the United States citizens is the main task given to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) based in the U.S. The State faces a significant threat and attacks from terrorism that use weapons causing mass destruction. The DHS works to enhance the nation’s counter Improvised Explosive) abilities and minimize terrorist attacks.

Various Concepts to Enhance Efforts to Prevent Terror Attacks Against the United States in the Future.

           Terrorism groups including, Al-Qaida and Hizballah, continue to plot a significant threat in the United States. As the threat enlarges, the department of State works to build a global consensus to prevent and decrease the attack adversaries. Some of the methods utilized to curb terrorism attacks include strengthening law enforcement and judicial abilities, broadening security, and improving the crisis unit response (Taylor & Swanson,2016).

          Additionally, the government is facilitating the adoption of the United Nations Global Terrorism strategy that helps respect human rights and the rule of law to curb terrorism. The member states have resolved to take measures and address the spread of terrorist attacks (Fortifying the Future, 2021). The five crucial concepts of terrorism include involvement of violence, target people, creation of fear, innocent victims, and political objectives. The act of violence occurs when a person is willing to commit a crime aiming to attack innocent people.

 Concepts that are Most Integral to Securing the Nation and Specifically how Those Efforts may Improve Upon Current Security Measures Moving Forward.

         The United States has directed people entering the country via the Mexican and Canadian borders to surrender their phones to the authority involved. Consequently, the number of checkpoints along the two borders has been increased (Volkova et al.,2019). The checkpoints are essential in controlling the illegal weapons, activities, and drugs that may lead to terrorist attacks. Border security allows the regulation of people in and out of the country.

Bible Integration

          In the Holy Bible, Romans 13:2 states, “Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves”(King James Bible, 1769/2018). Christians are called to submit under the government’s authority as it is ordained to protect its citizen from those who terrorize them. The Bible is quite clear about why legitimate governments are established and the extent of their authority. Terrorism acts are against the word of God since they cause loss of lives and the downfall of the economy. It is, therefore, necessary for the terrorists to acknowledge government as God establishes it.


         Generally, the State faces significant threats and attacks from terrorism that use chemical or biological weapons, causing mass destruction. The five crucial concepts of terrorism include involvement of violence, target people, creation of fear, innocent victims, and political objectives. The act of violence occurs when a person is willing to commit a crime aiming to attack innocent people. Increasing the number of checkpoints is essential in controlling the illegal weapons, activities, and drugs into the country that may lead to terrorist attacks.

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