tep 1 Select a topic.
Choose a topic that fits into one of the categories of persuasive speeches that was highlighted in the lesson.
Step 2 Review lesson information.
Review the information in Lesson 2 of the course about creating a specific purpose statement and thesis, deriving a question based on the thesis, and using the question to determine the main points to cover in the speech.
Step 3 Provide information about your topic.
In a document, determine and enter the following information about your topic:
Step 4 Select a pattern.
Based on your knowledge of patterns of organizing speech information, select a pattern of organization to use to create an outline for your speech.
Step 5 Open the corresponding outline template document below.
Step 6 Create an outline.
Using the template, create a full-sentence, preparation outline for your speech. Follow the guidelines presented in the lesson for using a consistent set of symbols, using full, and declarative sentences.
Step 7 Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.
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