6 different papers —- easy own words, apa format and citations.

1)   Please read this information on IT sourcing strategies: 


  • Read the Starbucks case study (Links to an external site.). This  case study uses Porter’s Value Chain and Five Forces models and a SWOT  (strengths-weaknesses-opportunities) analysis to develop strategic  recommendations (review videos posted in week 1). 
  • On page 7 of the Starbucks  case study there are 10 recommendations. Choose 3 of the  recommendations and identify how IT could be used as part of the  implementation of that recommendation.
  • Research in the library how other companies have done something similar for each of your 3 recommendations.
  • Your paper should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title and  reference pages. The paper must include at least 3 references from  peer-reviewed articles in academic journals or authoritative sources  (include an author and publish date).
  • Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page. You can include additional references from websites and books. 
  • Quotes should be used minimally and support the view you are presenting in the assignment.



  • Review the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analyses for all six cases here (Links to an external site.)
  • Pick one of the six cases and read the complete business plan.
  • Then, create a professional presentation in Kaltura  suggesting how IT could be used to enhance the company’s strengths,  lessen the company’s weaknesses, take advantage of the company’s  opportunities, and / or mitigate the company’s threats. The same IT  solution(s) might accomplish more than one objective in the business  plan.
  • In your presentation, please copy the SWOT analysis from the case and paste that on one of the slides.
  • The presentation should include 2-4 slides to explain the case  including an analysis of the characteristics of the institution in the  case study. Please explain specifically how IT solves a problem and / or  enables new options for the company.
  • The total presentation should be about 8-10 slides, not including  the title and reference slides. The reference slide should be in APA v7  format. Internet references, as well as peer-reviewed journal articles,  are fine. Look for more authoritative sources such as ones with an  author and publish date. The references should include examples of other  companies that have done something similar to support your  recommendations.
  • In-text citations are not required for this presentation and links  to sources should be added to the notes section of the PowerPoint
  • Your presentation should include a voice-over to explain your slides. Please submit your Kaltura video via the assignment link and also include a link to it on the discussion board. 


  • After watching the videos below and reading about the Balanced  Scorecard in Chapter 12 (Chapter 12.4 starting on page 374), compare and  contrast the Balanced Scorecard to one of the IT frameworks below  (COBIT, ITIL, TOGAF, CMMI-Dev).
  • Describe the context in which the Balanced Scorecard and the IT framework would be used.
  • The paper should 3-4 pages in APA format, not counting the title and reference pages.
  • Make sure you include in-text citations. Your paper should cite at least 3 peer-reviewed articles on IT governance frameworks. 
  • Direct quotes should be used minimally and thoughtfully  

The Balanced Scorecard – Simplest explanation ever – YouTube (Links to an external site.)  

What is a Balanced Scorecard: A Simple Explanation For Anyone – YouTube (Links to an external site.)  

What is IT governance? – YouTube (Links to an external site.)  

What is TOGAF 9.1? | Scott Duffy – YouTube (Links to an external site.)  


 Can Chasing Small Customers Lead to Larger Profits.pdf 


Write a summary of the case study that is about one page. Research and describe at least 3 technologies that could be used to support or enhance the business in the case study. Your  paper should include at least 3 references from peer-reviewed journals  associated or authoritative sources (author and publish date) with how  other companies are using the 3 technologies you are recommending. Your  paper should be in APA v7 format and at least 3 pages, not counting the  title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations  and a reference page.

  • You will use this paper as  part of your IS strategy for week 7. The technologies you choose will be  part of the return on investment analysis for this week’s discussion  board.

Make sure on your references page you include a reference with the  URL to the case study you chose, in addition to at least 3 references  from peer-reviewed journals (APA v7 format)

Please watch Creating Winning IT Strategies video, (Links to an external site.)  which describes how to create an IT strategy. Because the PowerPoint slides in the video are a little hard to read, a copy of the slides is attached here: Gartner-IT Strategy.pptx And you must also reference at least 3 peer-reviewed articles/authoritative source. 


 Using the IS alignment  work and the financial analysis from above question-5, submit a complete IS  strategic plan. Your paper should include at least 5 references from  peer-reviewed journals or authoritative sources (have an author and  publish date) associated with how other companies are using the  technologies you are recommending. The strategy should include the  technologies you plan to implement, your plan for sourcing the IS work,  and the governance model you plan to use to sustain the IS operation  over the long term. You should include specific projects with a timeline  for implementation in your strategy. Make sure you also include the  financial analysis. Your IT strategy should also specify some key  performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of IT. The website below can help you identify the KPIs for your strategy.  

Your total paper should be 5-7 pages of text in APA v7 format, not  counting the title and reference pages, and not counting any tables or  figures. Make sure you include in-text citations. Please use the  template attached above. In developing your IT strategy, please refer to  the resources from previous weeks. You can reference these resources in  your paper, but you must also reference at least 5 peer-reviewed  articles or authoritative sources in APA v7 format.

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