1) Please read this information on IT sourcing strategies:
The Balanced Scorecard – Simplest explanation ever – YouTube (Links to an external site.)
What is a Balanced Scorecard: A Simple Explanation For Anyone – YouTube (Links to an external site.)
What is IT governance? – YouTube (Links to an external site.)
What is TOGAF 9.1? | Scott Duffy – YouTube (Links to an external site.)
Can Chasing Small Customers Lead to Larger Profits.pdf
Write a summary of the case study that is about one page. Research and describe at least 3 technologies that could be used to support or enhance the business in the case study. Your paper should include at least 3 references from peer-reviewed journals associated or authoritative sources (author and publish date) with how other companies are using the 3 technologies you are recommending. Your paper should be in APA v7 format and at least 3 pages, not counting the title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page.
Make sure on your references page you include a reference with the URL to the case study you chose, in addition to at least 3 references from peer-reviewed journals (APA v7 format)
Please watch Creating Winning IT Strategies video, (Links to an external site.) which describes how to create an IT strategy. Because the PowerPoint slides in the video are a little hard to read, a copy of the slides is attached here: Gartner-IT Strategy.pptx And you must also reference at least 3 peer-reviewed articles/authoritative source.
Using the IS alignment work and the financial analysis from above question-5, submit a complete IS strategic plan. Your paper should include at least 5 references from peer-reviewed journals or authoritative sources (have an author and publish date) associated with how other companies are using the technologies you are recommending. The strategy should include the technologies you plan to implement, your plan for sourcing the IS work, and the governance model you plan to use to sustain the IS operation over the long term. You should include specific projects with a timeline for implementation in your strategy. Make sure you also include the financial analysis. Your IT strategy should also specify some key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of IT. The website below can help you identify the KPIs for your strategy.
Your total paper should be 5-7 pages of text in APA v7 format, not counting the title and reference pages, and not counting any tables or figures. Make sure you include in-text citations. Please use the template attached above. In developing your IT strategy, please refer to the resources from previous weeks. You can reference these resources in your paper, but you must also reference at least 5 peer-reviewed articles or authoritative sources in APA v7 format.
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