terror management theory in practice
Week 5 Assignment: Terror Management Theory in Practice
Selecting a recent terror event, one occurring with the last five (5) years, examine the practicality of the terror management theory (TMT).
Work should be submitted in a Word document (doc. or docx.) or other compatible word processing document, and be 4 to 6 pages in length, excluding the required title and reference page.
Scholarly sources should be cited both in-text and on the reference page of the submission. A minimum of two academic, scholarly sources are required to be cited in the work.
Submissions should be formatted per 6th edition (revised) APA standards. For assistance and resources on APA formatting style, please see the APUS Writing Center at [email protected]
The Week 5 assignment should be submitted by SUNDAY of Week 5, NLT 11:55 pm ET to the Week 5 Assignment Link accessed through the Assignments Link on the left of the main course screen. The school Late Policy applies to all course assignments and can be found in the course syllabus.
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