Unit 7 unidentified condition: adrenalin, heart rate, blood pressure, | A &P 1 | Herzing University–Minneapolis

adrenalin, heart rate, blood pressure,

Unit 7 Discussion Question 

Unidentified Condition: Adrenalin, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Hypertensive Retinopathy 

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour

Throughout the discussions in this course we will be focusing on one single condition; gradually unfolding week by week how this condition can grossly affect the entire human body and its systems.

The goal of the course discussions is primarily, to build upon the skill of differential diagnosis and secondary, to give a clear view as to how a single pathological process can possess the ability to affect an entire human organism.

Each week you will be presented with varying components of a new system being adversely affected by the unidentified condition. Your task as a healthcare professional in training, is to thoroughly research and envelop yourself within the process of differential diagnosis to arrive at a definitive diagnosis at the end of the course in week 8.

In phase one of the discussion, you will be tasked with presenting your researched information into a video or written presentation answering the questions below, while also considering your response and symptom presentation from weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Video presentations should be a minimum of three minutes in length and should not exceed four minutes.  Written presentations should be a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per each diagnosed condition (3 conditions minimum).

Symptom Presentation:

  • Adrenalin: Increased epinephrine (catecholamine production) from the adrenal medulla
  • Heart Rate: Increased resting heart rate with intermittent bursts of arrhythmia
  • Blood Pressure: Systemic hypertension reported over the past 8 months
  • Hypertensive Retinopathy: arteriolar constriction, vascular wall changes, cotton-wool spots, yellow hard exudates, and optic disk edema

Previously, you researched and considered three conditions through the process of differential diagnosis that would present with varying abnormalities in homeostasis, metabolism, triglycerides and DNA in week 1. Abnormalities in oxidation, plasma and tissue enzyme activity, inflammation and alopecia respectively in week 2. Increased cortisol and demonstrated bone loss in week 3. Fibromyalgia and muscle atrophy in week 4. Increased glutamate and memory loss in week 5 and neurogenic inflammation in week 6. Given the new symptom presentation above, consider and answer the following questions within a video or written presentation:

  If choosing a written presentation, create a 2-3 paragraphs per each of the questions listed below.

  • 1)Is the high resting heart rate, intermittent arrhythmia and high blood pressure associated with the increased catecholamine production of the adrenal medulla? Rationalize and explain your answer.
  • 2)Would hypertensive retinopathy be associated with an acute or chronic disease state? Explain your answer.
  • 3)What is your final diagnosis? Has your diagnosis changed from previous weeks? Rationalize and explain how and why you have arrived at your final diagnosis?
  • written presentation, please be certain to validate your opinions and ideas while disclosing the sources utilized within your written presentation (APA format).

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