Human Resource Management
Scenario: You are the newly appointed chief operating officer for Thomason Health System (THS), a large health care delivery system that will be acquiring and implementing a new information technology system: “Electronic Medical Records” (EMRs). The organization has many and differing opinions about EMRs, but the CEO and the board of directors want you to establish an onboarding team that will help facilitate the organization-wide adoption of this new technology. Your main responsibility is to identify five team members from a short list of candidates and facilitate the launch of an effective team through conflict resolution and team building. This team will present a unified message and facilitate cultural change within the greater organization.
To prepare for this Assignment:
The Assignment
In a 5- to 7-page strategic proposal, address the following:
Part I: Team Creation
Part II: Team Building
Part III: Engaging the Organization
Note: The proposal to the board should be 5–7 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Include tables and charts as appropriate. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English in a voice and style consistent with the audience. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least three additional scholarly sources. See the rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.
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