Political science (the democratic route to modern society) 2 page/550

Political science

 The exam draws on the following assigned texts:Political science Barrington Moore, �The Democratic Route to Modern Society,� Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Hannah Arendt, �Political Emancipation of the Bourgeoisie,� Origins of Totalitarianism Alexander Motyl, �Imperial Structures,� �Trajectories,� �Futures,� Revolutions, nations, empires Alexander Gerschenkron, �Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective� Andre Gunder Frank, �A Plea for World Systems History� Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World-System Samira Haj, �Introduction,� The Making of Iraq Karl Marx, �Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof,� �The Working Day,� �Machinery and Modern Industry,� Capital Karl Polanyi, �Habitation versus Improvement,� The Great Transformation Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times Questions Part I: Identifications/Explications Please choose any FOUR (4) of the following concepts, phrases, quotations, and ideas and, for each: (1) identify a/the source (some appear in more than one text); (2) provide its definition, meaning, reference within the text you cite; (3) explain its significance for the text and/or for comparative politics [? 125 words each] 2 1 �No bourgeoisie, no democracy� 2 Landed aristocracy 3 �Imperialism is not empire building and expansion is not conquest.� 4 Iqta� 5 �Railroads cannot be built unless coal mines are opened up at the same time.� 6 Commodity 7 Late development 8 ��Rhodes recognized at the same moment its inherent insanity�� 9 Revolution from above 10 Enclosure 11 World system 12 Commercialization of agriculture 13 Core/periphery 14 Timing 15 Saint Simon 16 Surplus value 17 ��material relations between persons and social relations between things� 18 ��primordial� Sunni-Shi�a schism� 19. exchange/use value 20. fictitious commodity
: The exam draws on the following assigned texts: Barrington Moore, �The Democratic Route to Modern Society,� Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Hannah Arendt, �Political Emancipation of the Bourgeoisie,� Origins of Totalitarianism Alexander Motyl, �Imperial Structures,� �Trajectories,� �Futures,� Revolutions, nations, empires Alexander Gerschenkron, �Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective� Andre Gunder Frank, �A Plea for World Systems History� Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World-System Samira Haj, �Introduction,� The Making of Iraq Karl Marx, �Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof,� �The Working Day,� �Machinery and Modern Industry,� Capital Karl Polanyi, �Habitation versus Improvement,� The Great Transformation Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times Questions Part I: Identifications/Explications Please choose any FOUR (4) of the following concepts, phrases, quotations, and ideas and, for each: (1) identify a/the source (some appear in more than one text); (2) provide its definition, meaning, reference within the text you cite; (3) explain its significance for the text and/or for comparative politics [? 125 words each] 2 1 �No bourgeoisie, no democracy� 2 Landed aristocracy 3 �Imperialism is not empire building and expansion is not conquest.� 4 Iqta� 5 �Railroads cannot be built unless coal mines are opened up at the same time.� 6 Commodity 7 Late development 8 ��Rhodes recognized at the same moment its inherent insanity�� 9 Revolution from above 10 Enclosure 11 World system 12 Commercialization of agriculture 13 Core/periphery 14 Timing 15 Saint Simon 16 Surplus value 17 ��material relations between persons and social relations between things� 18 ��primordial� Sunni-Shi�a schism� 19. exchange/use value 20. fictitious commodity 

Political Science
: Undergraduate
: Term Paper
: English (U.S.)
: 2 pages/550 words

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