Nordstrom, inc. executive memo kim wood

Nordstrom, inc. executive memo kim wood

Write a memo about the expansion opportunity for which you will request funding. This paper should be a simple, narrative description. For additional details, please refer to the Module Three Executive Memo Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.


MBA 640 Module Three Executive Memo Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The executive memorandum assignment requires your careful consideration of an appropriate, sensible investment project for your chosen company. Furthermore, this assignment will develop and demonstrate your ability to find useful, authoritative information sources about your selected company, its industry, its economic environment, and the particular investment opportunity. Prompt: Write a memo about the expansion opportunity for which you will request funding in your final project proposal. This paper should be 1–2 pages long and should include only a simple narrative description. You do not need fancy formatting, numbers, tables, or graphs in this document. List your key information sources about the organization you have chosen for your final project, explaining in one to two sentences each how source is relevant to your project. Your memo should identify the source (not just a website address) plus, in general, describe what information that source can reliably provide. Your sources must be authoritative. The company’s own website is an authoritative source for its own public financial and other information, for example. Serious business or economic sites, such as Bloomberg, or industry trade journals can be authoritative sources for fairly unbiased news about the organization or its industry. Other reliable sources could educate you about the business environment in your project’s target country (e. g., the CIA World Factbook). Someone you know who has worked for that organization or in that industry could also be an excellent source of certain information. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:  Include a narrative overview of your expansion opportunity. Describe the expansion project, the country in which the expansion will take place, and the reasoning behind this expansion into this country at this particular time. In other words, why does this particular project and country make sense for your chosen company?  Include key information sources related to the company you have chosen. Sources should provide an introductory, authoritative, future-oriented understanding of the company itself, the industry, technology, customers, suppliers and competitors, and the economic environment of the company and of your proposed expansion. Sources could be published or online; they could even include a person you know with experience in that industry. The sources will almost certainly include the company’s website; you might also follow its Facebook and Twitter feeds.  Note how each source is relevant and describe what information the source will provide. You will probably develop more sources later in the course, but these are meant to give you a solid start. Guidelines for Submission: Your executive memo must be 1–2 pages long (excluding the reference page), doubled spaced, written in 12-point Times New Roman font. Your reference page should be in APA style. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.

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