have a title page, abstract, and reference page (and in-text

have a title page, abstract, and reference page

Consists of writing a minimum of five (5) pages (of content) completing a DSM-5 diagnosis of the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: A 7 year old child is tested at school during a group IQ testing and is assessed to have an IQ of 67. She is having a hard time keeping up with her class is reading and arithmetic. She appears to be immature in her social development and needs support with daily living skills such as proper dressing and grooming.

Scenario 2: The lawyer of a young man, Albert S., suggests that Albert see a therapist because he has been so depressed about his impending divorce. Albert says he has been feeling sad, lonely, and fatigued during the last month. You determine that Albert is not suffering from a severe mental disorder; and a physical exam indicates that Albert has no physical problems.

Scenario 3: Gary, a 30 year old man, is known to be quite a “storyteller.” He often brags about his accomplishments, both real and imagined. He passionately enjoys being the center of attention.  Although he expects his circle of friends to be completely loyal, he lacks empathy and understanding in his relationships.  Gary is preoccupied with his personal appearance, and has a fear of growing old.

For each scenario, the following should be answered: (1) what is the DSM-5 diagnosis; (2) what criteria did you use to come up with this diagnosis; (3) what other diagnoses did you consider and why (List 3); (4) list three (3) short-term treatment goals that you would outline in this client’s treatment plan; (5) list three (3) long-term treatment goals that you would outline in this client’s treatment plan; and (6) list three (3) treatment approaches you would use with this client.

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