NOT an essay, it could be a poster, infographic, flyer, stop/go or animation video, youtube show, podcast, etc
Dissemination and the spread of new scientific knowledge is critical to raising awareness of issues, reducing stigma of mental health issues, and increasing public understanding of novel scientific discoveries. Public service announcements are an excellent way to disseminate new information and can be short videos/infographics/flyers/posters etc. For your final PSA project, you will choose a topic that we have covered in our course or readings. You must expand upon what we’ve learned in class by reading at least 2 primary source research article on the topic and incorporating this additional information. Be as creative as you want! The goal of the project is to creatively synthesize the information, apply what you’ve learned, communicate it effectively, and share your knowledge with the public. Feel free to create a poster, infographic, flyer, stop/go or animation video, youtube show, podcast, etc. Options are limitless in your mode of knowledge expression. Your target audience is the general public! Importantly, follow the rubric (provided on canvas) to make sure you include all the required topic information in your PSA and write-up. You are also required to submit a reflection write-up and annotated bibliography (see the rubric for guidelines and grading).
For this assignment, it has two part, one part is write-up response and annotated bibliograhpy, another part is what I want you do( poster, infographic, flyer, stop/go or animation video, youtube show, podcast, etc). I already finish the first part(response and annotated bibliograhpy), you just need to give me second part.
Follow the rubric, each requirements are all in the rubric. make sure you meet them all before you start writing.
course materials:…
all requirements all in this Rubric. please read this carefully and follow each one requirements!!!!
Follow the rubric,dude . Make sure you meet the requirements in the rubric, our professor are strict with rubric, you meet the requirements of rubric, you get point
I already finished reflection write-up and annotated bibliography part, but you still also need it , the part 1 and part 2 are related, if after you go through my part, you think something need to revise or change, just tell me and edit it.
Maybe my part is not perfect to requirements, just help me double-check my work, check if there anything need to change for meet requirements.
It is NOT an essay, it could be a poster, infographic, flyer, stop/go or animation video, youtube show, podcast, etc
Public service announcements are an excellent way to disseminate new information and can be short videos/infographics/flyers/posters etc. For your final PSA project, you will choose a topic that we have covered in our course or readings
.ppt file | Other | 1 pages, Single spaced
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