Earth’s greatest enemies?
Earth’s Greatest Enemies?
Climatologist James Lovelock ( (originator of the Gaia_hypothesis ) once said that Earth’s greatest enemies were the Three C’s: cars, cows and chainsaws because of their contributions to destabilizing planetary climate.
A. In this final Discussion Forum, you will answer the following question to show your ability to find connections among the environmental issues that you have learned about in this course.
Number your responses so I can see you have addressed each part.
You must cite specific evidence from any Unit of the course to support each of your responses.
Each contributing factor is worth 4 points x 3 = 12 points.
1. What and how do each of these things contribute to the destabilizing of Earth’s atmosphere and its climate?
1a. cows?
1b. cars?
1c. chainsaws?
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