Dual-store model of memory
PSYC365 DB Grading Rubric.docx Click for more options (32.043 KB)
In Modules/Weeks 1, 2, 4, and 5 you will participate in the Discussion Board Forums. For each forum, you will post at least 300 words in response to a provided prompt, supporting your assertions with at least 3 citations in proper, current APA format. Required sources are the textbook and a scholarly article (no websites, newspaper articles, etc.), and you must include at least 1 biblical reference with chapter and verse. In addition to your thread, you must also respond to at least 2 classmates, posting replies of at least 150 words each. Refer to the provided rubric to ensure guidelines are followed. You are encouraged to post your thread early, to allow the opportunity to further the topic of discussion.
Topic: Dual-Store Model of Memory
Question/Prompt: Discuss all 3 components of the Dual-Store Model of Memory. Give an example of the development of a piece of information through all 3 structures of your memory according to the Dual-Store Model. At each stage, give the verbal or visual stimulus and the cognitive processing for transferring information between stages. Include clear biblical principles in your response
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