Cognitive effort and skill acquisition
There are many factorsCognitive effort and skill acquisition that influence skill acquisition, learning, and practice such as observational learning, augmented feedback, practice schedules, and organization. Furthermore, much effort in motor production lacks cognition especially when a performer repeatedly executes a complex motor task (such as a golf swing on the driving range). The performer shifts from a planned execution of the skill to a more automatic process in which action requires little cognitive effort. This assignment will allow you to explore questions surrounding skill acquisition such as the consequence of practice that requires little cognitive effort, the importance of cognitive effort as a function in skill acquisition, and methods for manipulating practice or the learning environment to increase cognitive effort without overwhelming the learner.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Write an essay (1,500-1,750 words) in which you will explore cognitive effort and skill acquisition. In your essay, include the following:
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