In this task, you will use Python, SAS, or R to analyze data for a telecommunications company (see “Customer Data” web link) and create a data mining report in a word processor (e.g., Microsoft Word). You will create visual representations throughout the submission to show each step of your work and to visually represent the findings of your data analysis.
You are an analyst for a telecommunications company that is concerned about the number of customers leaving their landline business for cable competitors. The company needs to know which customers are leaving and attempt to mitigate continued customer loss. You have been asked to analyze customer data to identify why customers are leaving and potential indicators to explain why those customers are leaving so the company can make an informed plan to mitigate further loss.
I: Tool Selection
Execute data extraction from the “Customer Data” web link using data mining software (Python, R, or SAS). Provide a screen shot of the code you have written and its successful application with a copy of all the extracted data.
II: Data Exploration and Preparation
Clean the data you have extracted and save as .xls or .xlsx format for submission. Be sure to address all necessary formatting, converting, and missing data.
III: Data Analysis
For each of the following steps, be sure to clearly indicate each step within your data sheet with a screen shot and annotations in your final submission. All algorithms used need to be clearly identified in the screen shot and submission.
IV: Data Summary
Summarize the findings of your data evaluation. Provide the final findings dataset, including evaluation measures.
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