african final paper: faat kine

faat kine

Subject: Film analysis of the film Faat Kine

Length: 5-7 pages (not including references), double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. Note – Do not mess with the margins.

Format: MLA, APA, or Chicago, but be consistent.

Due:  December​ 14th, midnight

Prompt: Write a critical analysis on the film Your analysis should include, at minimum:

  • A brief background (country of production, year, director, etc.)
  • A brief summary and further analysis of what you believe are key scenes or moments, and how these scenes illustrate the themes of the film
  • An evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the film
  • How the film connects with the larger themes of this class. You should reference at least two other movies that we’ve seen in class this semester. Be detailed in your discussion.
  • In your conclusion, you should include a reflection portion on what has stuck out to you personally in the films/discussion throughout this class. Some questions to consider are: What will be your greatest takeaway? How do you think your understanding of Africa has been altered through these films? What do you wish had been done differently?

Other Instructions:

  • With the exception of the reflection portion, avoid first and second person (I, me, you)
  • You are not required to consult outside sources, but if you do so you must cite them


An “A” writer will illustrate the ability to not only briefly summarize the film, but also evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.  It will also link the film to other issues raised throughout the course (i.e. other readings, films, or lectures) to provide a critical perspective. To be “critical” means to take an approach to your analysis that questions the information you are reading about. For example, don’t just state that a part of the film was weak, but explore why you think it was weak and what the producer could have done to strengthen it. Or perhaps you make a connection between the film’s depiction and the other films you have watched for the class. A critical perspective would successfully link how the film and other films watched in the class are similar or different.  An “A” paper is grammatically sound and coherent.


A “B” writer may successfully do some parts of the “A” quality paper better than other parts. Perhaps the summary of the film is inaccurate, but the analysis is strong. A “B” paper also contains grammatical or stylistic errors, but nothing major that significantly disrupts the text.


A “C” writer merely summarizes the film without critiquing and analyzing it. Be careful not to just summarize the film and not include any references to the readings. What does it mean to “analyze” and “critique”? A “C” paper also is not structured coherently (i.e. is missing an introduction, summary, analysis, or conclusion) and has grammatical errors that significantly disrupt the reader when reading.


An “D” writer is too vague, sloppy, and inaccurate. An “D” writer provides a paper that feels rushed; as if the writer waited to the last minute to create it. The paper provides no analysis and shows no college-level ability to critically think about the very important and serious issues of politics in Africa. It could also have severe style and grammar errors.

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