American history
DUE 2.11.2021
most, if not all, of your answer in your own words and not from direct quotations. (50 possible points)
1. Anton Chekhov, the great Russian writer, once remarked, “If everyone in the world did all he was capable of on his own plot of land, w Please answer all of the questions . If you use quotes from Candide , please use a citation. Please put hat a beautiful world it would be!” How is this remark reflective of Voltaire’s advice in Candide?
2. Are you more of a Pangloss or a Martin? Why? What is the harm in being all like one or the other of these characters?
3. How is Eldorado a utopia? How is Voltaire ridiculing Europeans in describing their experience in El Dorado?
4. What does Voltaire criticize or ridicule most in European society? Include in your answer religious bigotry, war, class snobbery, greed and of course, philosophical optimism, or the idea that every event that happens, happens for the best because ‘this is the best of all possible worlds.’
5. What did Voltaire think of organized religions? How does he criticize intolerance and bigotry? Use some examples from Candide.
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