1. Mark Tyndall: The harm reduction model of drug addiction treatment | TED Talk
2. Drug Court: Justice Meets Treatment | Tina Nadeau | TEDxPiscataquaRiver – YouTube
For this week, please complete the reading about substance abuse treatment that has been posted. Then, please watch the two Ted Talks using the links above. One focuses on “harm reduction strategies” outside of the criminal justice system while the other one focuses on drug treatment courts, a new strategic approach to drug-addicted offenders within the existing criminal justice system. Both approaches have had enormous successes as alternatives to our revolving door approach.
Think about the things you heard and read about and then address the following question in a minimum 2-page reflection paper. Should drug use be law enforcement/criminal justice issue or a public health issue? Which approach do you support and why?
Be thorough, apply what you have read and heard (and any other information you have) and let me know if you have any questions.
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